Grain carriers, transport for transportation of grain
Types of this type of transport tank grain carriers, body grain carriers.A grain carrier is a cargo semitrailer or a trailer, which is a container in the form of a huge tipper or bunker type body made of steel or aluminum. Carrying capacity of grain carriers of various body kits is from 17 up to 35 tons, and volume of the body is 20-90m3. There are following versions of grain carriers: grain carrier-trailer-tank with volume from 15 to 33 m3; grain carrier-tank semitrailer with volume from 30 to 80 m3. Grain carriers on automobile chassis with volume of 23 – 32 m3; grain carrier onboard iron or aluminum body with additional trailer. Total weight of the cargo is up to 30 tons, the volume of transported raw materials up to 95 cubic meters. The length of grain carriers is from 8m to 13m the width of the grain carriers is 2.43m. Grain carriers are equipped with roofs made of special material with ropes.
Enterprises engaged in grain production or grain processing, as well as producers of mixed fodder for livestock complexes cannot do without this type of transport.
Grain carriers can transport such grains as buckwheat, wheat, barley, rye, peas, and oats. Some types of mixed fodder. Possible transportation of oily crops: rapeseed, corn, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, pulses, etc. Of course, it is economically profitable to transport grain in semitrailers – grain carriers or a grain carrier with a trailer, because the maximum volume of grain can be stored in them.
In view of high prices for grain carriers, which cost up to 50 000 Euros, many farmer companies rent grain carriers from transport companies that have their own grain carriers in their fleets. In view of the seasonality of this type of service, as the need for grain carriers comes at harvest time, it is unprofitable to buy grain carriers privately. It is also difficult to adjust grain carriers for other types of transport. Renting a grain carrier can save your money and time. Grain is loaded during harvesting grain or sunflower seeds directly from combine harvesters, or from granaries from above through the hatches of a grain carrier. Unloading takes place by a tipper with pneumatic devices, and also some grain carriers of “hoppers” type are equipped with bottom hatches or cones, for unloading of grain into underground bunkers.