Transport, transportation Transnistria
Order transportation to and from the PMR, cargo delivery to Transnistria. Payment is possible in PMR rubles.
Cargo transportation to, from or in transit through Transnistria takes an important place in international movement of goods both among CIS countries: Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, etc., and EU countries – there is a certain growth and stability in goods turnover between them and Transnistria. In January-October 2010 the value of Transnistrian exports was $324.5 million, with metallurgical products 41%, light industry products 35%, engineering and electrical products and alcoholic beverages dominating the shipments. The main buyers of Transnistrian products are still CIS countries, and they also provide the predominant share of imports to Transnistria – up to 75% of products.
However, it would be wrong to think that trade relations of Transnistria (TMR) and freight directions are developing exclusively with neighboring countries. In the last decade, there has been a tendency for Transnistrian goods to enter the European market. Thus, if in 1996 Russia, Ukraine and Moldova accounted for 72.7% of the region’s exports, in 2009 this figure was already much lower – 57.8%, with the non-CIS countries accounting for 42.2% of exports (and in 2010 – already 44.8%).
Considering transportation in Transnistria, let us name the main routes.
Transportation: Europe-Transdniestria PMR
Germany – Tiraspol, Ribnitsa, Dubasari
Italy – Tiraspol, Ribnitsa, Grigoriopol.
Turkey – Tiraspol, and all cities in Transnistria.
Trucking: Russia – Transdniestria.
Moscow-Tiraspol, Ribnitsa, Dnestrovsk, etc.
All cities of Russia to any city of Transnistria.
Cargo delivery Ukraine – Transdniestria.
Kiev – Tiraspol and all cities of PMR.
Dnipropetrovsk-Tiraspol , all cities of Transnistria.
From all cities in Transnistria deliver cargo to Europe, Russia. Kazakhstan. Uzbekistan, etc.
Significance of freight transportation from and to Transnistria. The main part of freight transported from TMR to EU (Italy, Germany, etc.) consists of light industry products, as well as ferrous metal, among the main buyers of which Romania is especially worth mentioning. Similar situation is observed in cargo delivery to TMR (import), where the share of European countries gradually lags behind the CIS countries. Partnerships with German enterprises of both light and heavy industry are being established. In total Transnistria has foreign trade relations with more than 100 countries. One cannot but notice the high industrial and transport potential of the region which reached its peak in 2000 when the volume of export-import transactions per capita was three times higher than in the rest of Moldova. Today imports of goods considerably exceed exports. The main share of imports is represented by scrap ferrous metals, raw materials for textile industry, gas and oil products, machinery and equipment, foodstuffs – 75-80%.
The main problem of Transnistria in the context of international freight traffic concerns the deplorable state of transport infrastructure in the region. First of all, it concerns the quality of road pavement, which does not meet international requirements, which causes direct losses to both carriers due to wear and tear of transport, and to the region itself, because transit through the TMR territory is minimized, and heavy vehicles with heavy axle load, carrying, for example, large-size heavy loads, only aggravate the already poor condition of roads. In total, about 10% of roads in Transnistria are in good condition. At the same time motor transport is the leader in cargo transportation in the region – it accounts for up to 65% of cargo transportation. The advantage of road transport is the wide network of roads, which allows to deliver the cargo to any settlement while the density of roads is comparable with that of Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine – 31km per 100 sq. km. The same applies to the railway infrastructure, which needs electrifying and the renewal of the rolling stock. At the same time, the railway network of Transnistria participates in international communication and freight traffic between CIS and EU countries.
Certain worries of cargo owners from Europe when delivering cargo from or through Transnistria related to the instability of the region, numerous barriers to cargo delivery, high transit and transport fees in force in the PMR.
That is why to deliver cargo from Transnistria, or in transit through Transnistria to the EU, We recommend to address to our transport-forwarding company from Moldova with the office in Transnistria in Tiraspol, which is familiar with cargo transportation on the territory of TMR not by hearsay. During the last decade there were a lot of far-fetched “political” barriers on the way of free movement of goods and services between Moldova and Transnistria: and this including introduction of special customs procedures at the borders and installation by Transnistria of a special duty, first at 20%, and then increasing it to 100% of the value of goods imported from Moldova; intensification of migration control and introduction of transit fees for foreign citizens, including citizens of Moldova, entering Transnistria, transport fees for unregistered Nostrums. So, since March 2006 according to Moldovan-Ukrainian agreements, customs clearance of transdniestrian cargo has been done in moldova and transdniestrian carriers use certificates of origin issued by the Customs service and the Chamber of Trade and Industry of the Republic of Moldova..
Either way, our freight forwarding company is aware of all the peculiarities and nuances delivery of any types of cargo from Transnistria in all directions: to Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, CIS countries, Romania, EU. We carry out complex cargo transportation (with all related services, including customs clearance) by road or rail from Transnistria: Tiraspol – Chisinau – EU, Ukraine or any other country. We deliver cargo to and from any city in Transnistria: Camenca, Dubossary, Bender, Grigoriopol, etc.