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Cisterns, liquid cargo transport

Thermos tank transport multisectional from 2 to 6 sections, heated, made of corrosion-resistant materials and stainless steel. The weight of the transported cargo: up to 22 tons. The volume of transport, tanks of 20 to 46 cubic meters. Purpose transport of semi-trailer tanks, thermos: the transportation of liquid dangerous goods, and liquid food cargo. All tank trucks are made of stainless steel. The tank trucks are generally multi-sectional, which allows you to carry several kinds of goods for one or more customers at the same time, there are tanks of up to 6 sections. Road tanker trucks allow the transport of cargo under pressure, which is used, for example, in the transportation of beer.
Cargoes for transportation: liquid chemical cargoes: cargo and materials of various types, resins, liquid latex, paraffin emulsions, technical alcohols. Technical oils, plasticizers, concrete admixtures, formalin. Ethylene glycol, polyesters, dioctyl phthalate, phenol, brake fluid. Antifreeze, antifreeze, and more. The company that ordered the delivery of hazardous liquid cargo is obliged to release the tank from the cargo, completely unloading it without any residue. For example, after antifreeze, glycols, denatured alcohol and ethylene glycol, it is the customer’s responsibility to wash the tank with water and completely remove water from the tank.
Cargoes for transportation: liquid food cargoes: wine, wine material, cognacs, spirits. Concentrates, beer, juices, mineral water, liquid food additives, food colorings. Food tanks function as “thermos“, are equipped with heating and are able to keep the cargo temperature even at negative ambient temperatures. The heat loss during transportation of cargoes is 2-3 degrees. Some tanks are equipped with a system of autonomous heating of the cargo in transit.
Bulk liquid cargo transportation by country: Chemical hazardous liquid cargoes are rarely transported by road in international shipments. Food liquid cargoes such as apple concentrate are transported in tankers from Moldova to Germany from Romania to Russia. Wine from Bulgaria to Russia and Belarus.
Conditions of transportation of liquid food cargo: Safety is paramount when transporting food cargo. Hygienic rules of food products transportation accepted both in Russia and in Europe are strictly observed. Bulk food cargo is transported in food tanks from the producer of the food product to the company that ordered this cargo, without interference in the transportation process. When transporting liquid cargo there is a number of conditions: perfect cleanliness of tanks, according to sanitary norms, execution of corresponding package of permits and documents, time of delivery, additional requirements, to loading and unloading of liquid food products.
Transportation of this type of cargo you can order in our forwarding company.

Cost calculation