Megatrailer Semitrailer shadowed, height 3.05 meters 105 cu. 21t.
A construction site is underway, and construction sites need drilling machines or bulldozers. Road works are going on, you can’t do without heavy specialized equipment. Perhaps your family decided to move to another city, but you can’t transport your personal belongings, household appliances and furniture by rail? In all these cases a megatrailer can be a great and very capacious truck. Such vehicles are used to transport standard but very bulky cargo. You can rent a tent semi-trailer here.
TYPE OF BODY. The volume of the body of this simple-looking tilt trailer was increased due to the height of the roof. The height of the body of an ordinary trailer is 2.75 meters, and the height of the mega-trailer is 3.10 meters. Such a technical solution allowed to increase usable volume of the truck and make it more spacious. Originally it was intended to transport agricultural machinery, but later became very popular. It can carry almost anything and much more at a time than before. The cargo cover can be taken off, allowing the truck to be loaded and unloaded from different sides, even from above. This saves time for loading and unloading.
Length – 13,6 m.
Width – 2, 48 m.
Height – 3,10 m.
Capacity – 105 cubic meters.
Load-carrying capacity – 23 tons.
TYPE OF LARGES. It is necessary to deliver the equipment on the fields for agricultural works? Sowing, watering or harvesting? Need trailers for tractors and watering machines? Or maybe transport mini combines and small tractors? Bring construction panels or tall windows to any construction site without much hassle? Just like a truck, a megatrailer transports a wide range of cargo and goods. First of all it is reasonable to rent such transport for delivery of various equipment. This is industrial machinery, special equipment, electrical equipment. It is very profitable to transport building materials, household appliances, furniture and personal belongings in it.
SAFETY AND COMFORT. It is worth to tell separately about safety. It is very important when you are carrying something large and not always stable. A mega-trailer is designed specifically for such transportations, and in such cases, safety issues are paid close attention. As a rule, bulky cargo should be packed. If this is not possible, then specialized pallets are used to secure the cargo. They are fixed in the body by a system of fasteners, which are equipped with all modern mega trailers. Our company will find your cargo safe and secure transportation, and most importantly – not too expensive.
ADVANTAGES. Mega-trailer can freely transport bulky and tall cargo, but such transportation will not be considered oversized. As a result, you will be free from the expense of approval for the carriage of non-standard cargo and significantly reduce the cost of delivery.
NARRATES. Mega-trailers cover the territories of Europe, Central Asia, Russia and the CIS countries. From Italy and Germany, mega-trucks bring prefabricated cargo for small and medium-sized businesses in Russia, Ukraine and Moldova. They deliver materials for sewing production, fabrics, insulation, accessories. Passing mega trailers on the roads TIR and CMR.
DOCUMENTS. No shipment will set off without accompanying documents. So what do you need? Not much. A contract with a shipping company and cargo insurance. All the rest will be taken care of by our professionals – and be sure you’ve made the right choice. Your cargo will arrive on time.